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You are viewing Cheat Codes for The World Is Not Enough System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-06-30 19:18:39 Views : 23423 All weapons: Successfully complete the Turncoat level under the "007" difficulty setting with the best time. Level - Mode - Time - Unlock: Subway - Agent - 2:15 - Castle level Masquerade - Agent - 3:15 - Air Raid level Night Watch - 00 Agent - 2:20 - Forest level Turncoat - Agent - 3:20 - Capture The Briefcase level Whole game - 00 Agent - Any - Golden Gun level King's Ransom - Agent - 2:20 - Team King Of The Hill level Cold Reception - Secret Agent - 3:15 - Sky Rail level City Of Walkways - Secret Agent - 3:45 - Covert Skins Masquerade - 00 Agent - 4:20 - Scientist skins City Of Walkways - Agent - 3:35 - Civilian skins Cold Reception - 00 Agent - 3:25 - Exotic skins A Sinking Feeling - 00 Agent - 2:55 - Navy skins Midnight Departure - Agent - 3:05 - Soldier skins King's Ransom - Secret Agent - 3:45 - Security skins Whole game - Agent - Any - Contemporary Skins Whole game - Secret Agent - Any - Classic skins Courier - Secret Agent - 2:00 - Suit skins City of Walkways - 2 Agent - 3:00 - Wildfire mode Thames Chase - 00 Agent - 4:25 - Exotic weapons mode Fallen Angel - Secret Agent - 2:45 - Gadget war mode Golden Gun mode: Successfully complete the game under the "00 Agent" difficulty setting. Power goons: Successfully complete the Russian Roulette level under the "Agent" or "007" difficulty settings with the best time. Invincibility: Successfully complete the Meltdown level under the "007" difficulty setting with the best time. Information in this section was contributed by curtis t. Stealthy Bond: Successfully complete the Villa level under the "Agent" or "007" difficulty settings with the best score. Skip Level: To pass each level while playing pause then press select (2x),circle(2x),select,circle. Unlock extra stuff: Beat the following levels under the specified time to unlock multiplayer levels and more skins: Cold Reception level: When you start out, kill the man that is running at you. Run to the boxes that are by the pipes. Do not kill the two men standing on the pipes -- only kill them if they are shooting at you. Wait for the Parahawk to turn around and head back at you. Grab the man's gun and pause game play. Enter the inventory and take out the Meyer TMP. When the Parahawk is overhead, keep shooting it until it explodes. Then, kill the two men standing on the pipes. Make sure you get the AR36 Sniper by the boxes. Then, look to your right and start skiing down the small hill. Once you get to a pipe, ski down inside of it. When you get out of the pipe, there will be a man hiding behind a box. Take out the AR36 Sniper and kill him with one shot. Now, turn to your left and ski down the next hill. There will be another man hiding behind a box-- kill him. Ski down the third hill and repeat the same thing. Proceed through the pipe after killing the man that was behind the box. When you get out you will see Elektra. She will run away and crouch down by a wall of snow. Run out into the open and shoot the man by the pipes. Also kill the men on the pipes that are now on your left. Run over by Elektra and get behind the boxes. There will be some men trying to shoot you, and there will be two Parahawks in the sky. Kill all of the men and destroy the Parahawks to complete the level. Power guns: Successfully complete the Flashpoint level under the "Agent" or "007" difficulty settings with the best score. Unlimited ammunition: Successfully complete the Fallen Angel level under the "007" difficulty setting with the best score. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more The World Is Not Enough cheat codes.
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